Name | Description | Download |
Illumina genomic data from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (616 MB) |
The data set contains four files:
Name | Description | Download |
QIAseq TMB and MSI Panel DHS-8800Z reads | Genomic sequencing reads with high and low TMB scores as well as different MSI status, provided as example data for the Identify TMB Status ready-to-use workflow, distributed with the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin. Use Import | Standard Import to import the ZIP file. A subset of this data set was used to create the sample data for the Compare TMB Scores and MSI Statuses from QIAseq Tumor Mutational Burden Panels tutorial. |
Name | Description | Download |
QIAGEN CLC formatted mapping data (19.2 MB) | This data set contains genomic sequencing reads from a cancer sample and a normal sample for the human mitochondrial genome. Also included is the chromosome M sequence from the hg18 build of the human genome as well as annotation tracks generated from data from UCSC Genome Browser site. There is no need to unzip before import, simply use the Standard Import option to import the whole file. Instructions on importing this data and using it are included in the Resequencing and Tracks tutorial. |
Name | Description | Download |
QIAGEN CLC formatted variant table and molecule project (0.8 MB) | This data set contains 6 variants commonly found in the Bcr-Abl fusion gene, and used in the Visualize Variants on Protein Structure tutorial. |