In this training, you will learn how to analyze viral samples using QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench. This webinar will focus on bioinformatics workflows and data interpretation using H5N1 as an example, but similar analysis can be done with other viral and microbial (bacteria, fungus and more) samples.
Using viral samples, you will learn how to:
• Utilize molecular biology tools such as primer design, cloning, alignment and tree construction and Sanger sequencing analysis
• Profile the virus present in a sample and automatically generate read mappings, detect variants, annotate consensus sequences, BLAST annotated consensus sequence genes and build phylogenetic trees for top hits and their close relatives
• Microbial genomics analysis including OTU clustering, taxonomic profiling and functional analysis
• Additional topics of interest based on registration feedback
QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench is a user-friendly bioinformatics software solutions for genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics and metagenomics analysis in one program.